What is one Asian person that has positively impacted/inspired you in your career, and what’s one lesson they taught you?
I am very inspired by my sisters in my life. They are all strong and independent women and have supported me in every step of my life. I feel blessed and secure in their company. They have been there for me in all aspects of my life. They have taught me to live my life with grace, honesty and honor.
Describe one or more characteristics about yourself that you believe led to your success
I am ambitious and competitive in work and that has helped me move forward in achieving professional goals. I also believe having empathy, being patient and taking advantage of opportunities that are outside your comfort zone will always help you succeed in life.
From your perspective what would you advise a young Asian person who is just entering their professional career? What would you like them to know?
To anyone starting a professional career I would advise them to keep an open mind, every opportunity is a new learning experience for you. Life is all about what you learn, who you are and what you become.
How do you support or connect with other Asian people in your community?
I donate to the Sikh temple that represents our community. All donations go towards helping people in need and towards free open community kitchens.
Describe something meaningful to you, with regards to your heritage
My heritage has taught me to be a learner in this world and follow three basic rules 1. To meditate 2. Truthful living 3. Sharing. It believes in equality of all, including gender equality, welcoming diversity, welcoming all into the community and selfless service.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to go on long walks, explore nature and cook in my free time.