Brandon is quite remarkable in his approach toward life. He has several interesting passions and talents, including a unique ability to make everyone that he interacts with feel welcomed. Please enjoy hearing about his journey with RCI thus far!
Nice to see you again Brandon, thank you for joining me at the Orlando office today. I’m curious, tell me something about you that nobody knows?
Most people don’t know that I played the piano for the majority of my childhood. I am actually really big on music overall.
Very surprising, that’s great. If you are CEO of RCI tomorrow morning, what would be your first decision?
I would take some time to sit and talk with entry-level associates up to the Manager level. I have only been here for three months and coming from the outside looking in, I have a different perspective. I would get their thoughts and feedback on the day-to-day processes that we are using, particularly in marketing. Obviously what we have been doing has been working and it’s been successful. We have been productive, but I think we have an opportunity to streamline and simplify the process. I think if we do that, then we can make everyone’s work life easier, ultimately, making everyone happier.
I agree, that is good feedback. So if we ask your colleagues at RCI or your former employer to describe you in three words, what would they say about you?
They would say that I am a team player, I am driven, and I am always calm and relaxed under pressure.
I can tell that you are laid back. And would your wife say something similar or something different?
My wife would say that I am a good father. She thinks I am funny, which is probably why she married me. And she would say that I am caring..
Good father, funny, and caring – that’s a successful life! How old are your kids. You have a five-month-old right?
Yes, I have a five-month-old son named Miles and a four-year-old daughter named Riley.
Beautiful. Is she a daddy’s girl?
Yes she pretty much runs the house.
What is your long-term goal?
I want to continue to grow and evolve professionally, and really become a valuable asset to this company, regardless of level or position later down the line. I want to continue to grow, and I would like to be viewed as the guy who is needed by the organization.
What or who inspires you?
My family. My wife and kids motivate me to get up every day to be successful, and my parents also motivate me. They have a huge influence on my life. They have been married for 51 years, and I strive to have what they have with my marriage and as a father. They also instilled a really good work ethic in me. I started my first job at 15 years old.
Are your parents here?
No, they live close in Gainesville, Florida.
What is the best advice that you have ever received?
The best things in life aren’t things. I take this as a reminder not to get caught up in material things. The best things in life are actually time and memories.
Wow, very true. When my mom passed away she left with just precious memories. That is all that you take with you. Good reminder. What has been your most memorable personal customer obsessed travel moment?
For our honeymoon, we traveled to Jamaica. The trip there was a disaster. The flight was delayed with technical issues, we switched planes three times. We were supposed to arrive at noon but did not get there until midnight. When we finally arrived at the resort, the front desk staff got a full recap about our day’s travel, and they went above and beyond. They helped us forget about the bumpy start, and really made up for the trip. They upgraded our room and arranged fun excursions. They were really attentive to us and put forth the extra effort to help us have a great time.
So they helped make sure that your honeymoon remains a nice memory, that’s so great. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would that be and why?
I gave this a lot of thought. There are some traditional answers, of someone famous or an entertainer, that I considered, but I would actually like to have dinner with a younger version of myself. An 18 year-old me. I am completely happy with where I am in my life but I think it would be cool to sit down to give my younger self some nuggets of advice.
What would you do differently from 18-year-old you to who you are today?
I would take more risks. Sometimes we play it too safe, not wanting to step outside of the box, and life is short. You have to take risks.
It is so ironic that you mention this because when my kids graduated from college, I told each of them that the worst thing in life would be to have regrets. To say “I wish I would have” would be too late. Who do you follow on social media and why?
I follow a lot of music artists and athletes because those are things that really interest me so I appreciate the inside look.
If you were stuck on a desert island, what would you take with you?
Some type of device that would allow me to listen to music. I go back to music because I love it so much. As long as I have music, I’m happy. I think it is the greatest form of expression. Any type of mood that you are in, there is a song for it.
I completely agree with you. Who is your favorite artist?
That is hard, but if I have to pick one it would be Stevie Wonder. I think he is a musical genius. The music he has created and the classics that he created are timeless.
Are your parents still working and in Gainesville?
Do you go to see them every weekend? I’ve heard that you love the school in Gainesville, the University of Florida Gators – do you attend many of the games?
Yes, we try to see my parents as often as we can. Our visits are quite frequent so that I can also check out the University’s football team. I am a huge fan, I grew up in Gainesville.
Do your parents and wife know that you were going to be sharing your professional journey with everyone at RCI through Coffee & Selfie?
Do they know how proud we are to have you as part of the RCI family? I’m so happy we had this time to connect, and you have some really great ideas and advice that I think everyone will enjoy. Thank you for your time today Brandon.
And thank you for this opportunity. I have enjoyed it as well.
There was so much wisdom shared in my discussion with Brandon, and I especially enjoyed hearing his unique perspectives about RCI and all that he has experienced as a newer associate in the past 90 days. It remains a top priority of mine to get to know as many of you as possible, because your talents and life’s experiences bring so much added value to our teams, our customers, and our company. I hope that you were as inspired as I was about Brandon’s best advice that he ever received. Life really is made up of precious memories with the ones we love and cherish. How amazing is it that all of us at RCI get to help families create their lifelong memories. Thank you for this incredible reminder Brandon, and for sharing your journey with us!