Jessica joined the company in 2006 and has worn many hats, including a CC Holiday Club Guide, Registry Collection Specialist, and Business Services Coordinator. In her current role, she in an integral member of the HR team and helps to drive company engagement and overall staff morale.
I understand you joined RCI just a month after your husband joined — did he have anything to do with that?
Yes, I actually knew him about 3 years prior to joining the company, but I think our relationship only got better after that! He actually referred me to the company. I love working with him, I wouldn’t change anything about it. We’ve both been with RCI for 14 years. We have two boys, Terrel and Tashik, who are attending school virtually from home and we’re both working from home — but we’re managing!
How are you staying connected with your colleagues or other teams during this time?
We connect by Skype and WhatsApp — if we’re busy during the day it’s really helpful to use those sorts of platforms.
What have you found to be the most challenging aspect either personally or professionally?
I think the most frustrating at first was the internet connection and trying to get online properly, but now we have a good one so we’re all set and in a really good space right now. For personal, the hardest part for me is not seeing my mom and my sisters for such a long time. But this will pass. They live about 4 hours away from me so we haven’t seen them, but we do WhatsApp calls and Facetime so we have that at least.
What have you learned working from the last few weeks?
Patience with my kids! I think it’s been challenging for us being in the same space — juggling work and school with the kids. But we’ve learned to adapt very quickly. So I think patience has been my greatest learning. I also think appreciating things like having a yard and going outside and enjoying the sunshine. It’s the very little things you learn to appreciate.
I’ve been told you love to travel and have many passports!! Where are you most looking forward to vacationing once we’re able to travel?
It’s definitely my dream to have as many passports as I can! I’d love to go fishing — that’s the first thing I want to do. And it can be anywhere! As long as we can get out and go camping and fishing, that the first thing for sure.
What is your favorite RCI destination?
The U.S. is definitely on my next bucket list — Los Angeles, California specifically.
Where was your last trip?
My last trip was in December, I was in Bali.
If you were stranded on a desert island for three months, what item you would take with you?
What are 3 words your colleagues would use to describe you?
Organized, some may say reserved, and I think family-oriented!
What app, website, or brand can you not live without?
These days, definitely WhatsApp.
Tell me something about yourself that nobody knows?
I don’t like going to malls or shopping!
What is a song that would describe you or makes your day?
Journey, “Don’t Stop Believing”.
What do you like the most about your job at RCI?
The people are number 1! The engagement that I get to have with them, I really look forward to it. I manage the rewards and recognition program, so it’s always pleasing when others are happy.
If you became CEO of RCI tomorrow morning, what is your first decision?
I think seeing that we know our people are our greatest assets — I’d like to maybe create programs around self-development or awareness development, positive energy. Everyone faces different challenges in life, and I think if you have the right mindset you can do anything you’d like to.
Do you have any questions for me?
What are you most proud of leading this global organization?
The people! What I have witnessed since early March is just amazing. I’ve seen so much fun, enthusiasm, creativity and entrepreneurship. I knew RCI was a family, but this is what makes me proud.
What has been your greatest lessons during this pandemic and how will this help us in the future?
I believe we will be stronger than ever as a team! Every day, the RCI senior leadership team connects — and we continue to check in individually throughout each day. I think this has forced us to be more connected than ever before. We’re not out of the woods yet, but I’m very optimistic. We’ve learned so much during this time and it’s only been for the best.