Coffee & Selfie with Olivier Chavy, President, RCI Exchanges
Nicholas ‘Nick’ Lebin, Skillbuilder for North America
December 2019

From the moment he joined RCI, Nicholas ‘Nick’ Lebin has generously given his incredible talent and time, by always lending a helping hand to his fellow associates. His “team first” approach earned him a role in the North America region as Skillbuilder, where he helps new hires hone their customer service skills.
Hi Nick, very nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you as well!
If you become President of RCI tomorrow, what is your first decision?
I would make technology enhancements to our systems to help better understand our members so that when they call in we have a more accurate way of identifying who they are and what they have done with us in the past. This will help us strengthen our service abilities for more efficient calls.
Yes, you work with a great group. If I ask your colleagues to describe you in three words, what would they say?
They would say fun, knowledgeable, and genuine.
That’s great! And, is there something about you that nobody knows?
I am really into music. I love it and, in fact, use to play the trumpet back in high school. Anything having to do with music I enjoy. I can play the piano by ear.
That is so interesting that you have a musical ear and play an instrument. So if you were deserted on an island and could only take one possession with you, would it be your trumpet?
That’s tough but I probably wouldn’t take my trumpet but would instead take my cell phone.
That’s a good one, and not one that I have heard before. You can spend an evening with one celebrity, who would it be?
Jason Statham because he is one of my favorite action stars.
You might appreciate this, but I have heard that my son looks like him. I will share a picture with you later and you tell me what you think. Since you are a music lover, I want to go back to music as I am curious, what song would you use to define who you are or your approach on life?
“Good Riddance” by Green Day.
What does it mean to you to be recognized as a Top Guide? It is your first time, right?
Yes it is my first time. I was motivated because the first two months of the year I was hitting the Top Guide mark. For the next few months I really placed it out of my mind, but then halfway through the year it was shared that I was pacing at #7 as Top Guide. That really motivated me to continue my hard work and to finish out the year strong.
What was your main learning along the way as you became a Top Guide?
The biggest thing I focused on was to do my job well, by being on time and by being on the phone when I was supposed to be.
What are you most looking forward to in 2020, professionally?
To better myself with RCI. Right now I am doing really well, but I would like to focus on helping new hires as they come in. I’d like to assist with more focus groups and to further enhance the systems that we have.
That’s great, and what about personally?
To continue to live a happy life and enjoy my family and friends.
Who is your role model or hero?
My role model is my dad because he always had an incredible work ethic, and he always taught me to work hard because it pays off. Just like being here and being celebrated as a Top Guide.
A 2019 Top Guide, Nick’s easy-going nature has made him so relatable with our members as he provides exceptional service with each call received. Fortunately for RCI, his personality and charisma are on the front lines with our members where he serves as an unofficial ambassador of our brand. Nick represents us well, and it was an honor to celebrate his hard work and new recognition as a 2019 Top Guide.