For advice about your Subscribing Membership and guidance on how to use your Points, RCI Reservations Consultants are ready to help.
call 1300 369 476 (AU)
or    0800 569 476 (NZ)
Weekdays from 7am - 7pm
Weekends from 7am - 1pm
(Local times for Eastern Standard Time)
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Your Use Year is a recurring 12 month period, which starts on the first day of the month following the set-up of your RCI account.
For example, if your account was set up during April, your Use Year would always start on May 1st, and run through April 30th of the following year.
The first day of your Use Year is when you receive your annual Points allotment, and the illustration below shows the flexibility you have to use them between Use Years.

If you don’t use all your Points in the Use Year they were allocated, you can SAVE them to your next Use Year.*

If you don’t use them in that second Use Year, you can pay a small fee to EXTEND them into a third Use Year.

If you need more Points, you can BORROW some from your next Use Year, provided that you have paid your next Use Year's annual dues.

Something to note! – Your current Use Year is dated depending upon the year in which it started. For example, if your current Use Year began on May 1, 2009, that would be your “2009 Use Year”, even though it would not end until April 30, 2010.